The Dictionary Project
Here's a wonderful note from Meg Banitch about her involvement with the Dictionary Project.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of accompanying Georgia Brown to deliver dictionaries at two Verona schools. If you have not already participated in the Dictionary Project I would urge you to take a little time and visit a school. It is an occasion where you can truly see the impact of our Rotary club. We were enthusiastically welcomed.The students were so excited to get their books that “bedlam broke out” after we hand out the dictionaries. One teacher commented to me that the students will even pull out their dictionaries on break time and quiz each other.
Some fun facts about this amazing project:
We have given out over 12,000 books in our 13 years of the project.
We ordered 888 dictionaries this year (Yogi's special number!)
In 2013 in NJ, 90,427 dictionaries were donated for a 71% state coverage rate.
In the USA, 2,328,198 dictionaries were donated in 2013 alone!
Georgia single handedly took delivery and labeled all the books this year. Please help her with the upcoming school visits. You will be amazed what a fun and rewarding experience it is.